Apex Campaign Highlights

  • In September 2024, Apex executed ~130 programmatic display and video campaigns. As we get closer to Q4 you should see an upward trend in campaign volume. We will also share average CPMs by channel to assist with planning (See below). As always, reach out to your Apex contacts with any questions!

Average CPM By Channel for September:

  • Display: $2.36

  • OLV (online video): $3.09

  • CTV: $24.39

  • Mobile Web: $2.51

  • Mobile App: $2.10

  • Native Display: $2.01

Industry Updates

ICYMI: Retail Media Networks have significantly evolved, embracing programmatic access to shopper audience data which used to be off-limits. (AdExchanger)

This shift sees major retailers like Walmart, Kroger, and Target, now passing programmatic IDs, enhancing transparency and targeting capabilities. Programmatic advancements come with a new wave of legal and privacy considerations, yet retailers continue to align their practices with robust privacy standards through partnerships with verification agencies like DoubleVerify. The adoption of programmatic methods in retail media is a stride towards more precise and effective advertising.

More Industry Headlines

  • Viant Technology Inc. has launched ViantAI, an advanced AI-powered platform set to reshape how programmatic advertising is planned, purchased and measured. ViantAI is an autonomous platform that handles every stage of programmatic advertising, from building campaign plans to optimizing execution. (Viant.ai)

  • Roku Launches Its Own Self-Serve Ad Platform. Roku Ads Manager, as it’s called, is part of Roku’s bid to reach new CTV buyer demand. (Ad Exchanger)

  • DirecTV to Acquire Dish and Sling TV, Creating Largest U.S. TV Provider. (Hollywood Reporter)

Apex Innovation

Your Apex team is revamping our CTV offering and going all premium inventory. We have all new PMP deals with top tier publishers and inventory suppliers including Comcast + Freewheel, Magnite, Nexxen, Disney, Warner Bros Discovery and NBCU + Peacock. Our capabilities are also growing by leaps and bounds with the ability to layer in ACR targeting to any video or display campaign via Nexxen. Additionally we are now able to buy Netflix ad inventory directly in DV360. For clients that want Live Sports programming we can create Live Sports packages with top tier partners including WBD, ESPN and Peacock. Please reach out to Apex to learn more about our premium Connected TV offering.

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